Where a spirit of God is poured out on ALL people!
We encourage our church family to get together outside of worship times. Our church offers a range of social, learning and volunteer events that help strengthen our members as individuals and as a community.
Lilly's Heart
The Lilly's Heart Ministry is dedicated to the memory of Kenneth Lilly who had a true heart of giving.
This ministry covers supplies for the homeless or those in need, community meals, blessing boxes for Thanksgiving, and includes our food pantry.
NCCP Levites
The worship ministry at NCCP is devoted to the worship of God through song, instruments, and other art forms. Our vision is to worship the Lord in spirit and truth, to honor the Lord with excellence and create an atmosphere that God dwells in continuously.
Psalm 149:3 says “Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!”
Movement Ministry
Our VISION is to inspire, equip, and activate all people to worship God through various artistic expression, while ministering through our visual language the message of freedom, deliverance, victory, and love given to us by Jesus Christ
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe! Psalm 150:4
Couple's Ministry
Circle of Parents
The purpose of Circle of Parents is to equip individuals and families with relevant Biblical truths and healthy family skills so as to empower them to successfully deal with the challenges of family living and faith development.
Couple's Ministry is dedicated to helping couples understand God’s purpose for marriage with the objective of becoming one, and inspiring couples to protect the sanctity of their marriage. We encourage couples to live their marriage to the fullest, loving God, loving each other, and having fun God’s way. We welcome married and engaged couples.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.